12 tips to make your December road trip a safe one

12 tips to make your December road trip a safe one

With the festive season in full swing, many South Africans will be hitting the highways and byways en route to that well deserved holiday. Sadly, it’s also a time of tragedy as many are injured or lose their lives in senseless road accidents.

You’ve probably come across a lot of “get there safely” articles, many with tips that are blatantly obvious, but it always pays to brush up on the basics before your trip.

Make sure the car is up to the job

Make sure your car is up to the task of getting you there safely and without breaking down.

Also ensure that you have the right emergency kit on board. Check that your warning triangle is in place and that you have a torch and a basic medical kit, as well as your spare wheel, wheel spanner and jack.

You should also have some emergency numbers on speed dial, such as 112 which will reroute you to the nearest emergency service. Also be sure to download the Namola App onto your phone.

Careful how you pack

Be sure to pack all heavy objects into a closed boot (rather than on the back seat) as they really can become a lethal weapon in a crash. And so can your back seat occupants if they’re not buckled up.

Choose the smart speed (and lane)

Going too fast or too slow can significantly increase the risk of an accident. Go too slow and everyone will want to get past and many will take chances doing so, putting you into the path of danger. Drive too quickly and you won’t be able to slow down in time if something goes wrong, and the impact will be far deadlier when it does.

Your safest bet is usually somewhere in the region of the speed limit, but your speed must also be appropriate for the situation at hand, so slow down around roadworks or in built-up areas with lots of pedestrians and when it’s raining.

Also ensure you’re in the correct lane for the speed you’re driving – the ultimate rule of the road being to keep left and pass right.

Careful around slower vehicles

Even if you are maintaining a sensible speed, you will have to get past trucks and other slower vehicles. But here’s the number one rule of safe driving – never overtake if you’re not absolutely certain that you’ll get to the other side safely, and always leave margin for error.

You might feel like a genius calculating that gap to the last second, but did you factor in what might happen if the engine suddenly loses power (a turbo blowing, for instance) or a tyre bursts? Better to arrive late than dead.

Observe, observe and observe

While it’s easy to drift into auto-pilot mode, your observation skills will save your life. It takes a bit of discipline, but ultimately you need to constantly and closely watch the scene around you and identify potentially dangerous situations, and develop a plan of action before they become a threat. You should also pay attention to pedestrians near the road.

And Think Bike

When changing lanes or making any turns, always check your blind spots for motorcycles. Remember that a motorcycle in your mirror is always closer than it looks and they come from behind incredibly quickly.

If a rider comes behind you while you are waiting for a safe opportunity to overtake a slower vehicle, let the bike through – motorcycles accelerate much faster than cars and can safely overtake where you can’t.

Drive during the day

Many prefer to do their long-distance travels at night because the roads are quieter, but the stats show that driving at night is a lot more dangerous. This is due to the obvious significant decrease in visibility as well as diminished speed/distance judgement and the presence of drunk drivers. You might have to contend with more traffic, and heat, when driving during the day but it’s by far the brighter option.

Switch your lights on

Yes, even in the bright of day. But do remember to turn them off when you arrive at your destination.

Know your route

Whether you’re using paper maps, Google Maps or satnav, it’s always a good idea to get to know your route ahead of time and the distance to be covered. Also stick to familiar routes as far as possible and if you are venturing into the unknown, factor in some extra travel time in case the roads are not up to scratch. Also pack emergency supplies like water, particularly if you’re venturing into remote areas.

Avoiding fatigue

Make sure you get at least seven hours’ sleep the night before, and be sure to keep your mind fresh along the way by stopping every 200km or thereabouts. Plan the best stopping points before you set off and you’ll impress as a seasoned road tripper.

Just remember that fatigue is one of the biggest killers on our roads. If you feel you are about to nod off, open the windows immediately and stop to stretch as soon as it’s safe to do so.

Booking a ‘halfway holiday’ overnight stay is also a great idea as longer journeys do drain your concentration.

Buckle up

Well, yes. Make sure that you and the entire family – yes – even those in back seats – are wearing seatbelts.

Without the simple devices any other safety features, your vehicle might have are basically useless and your risk of dying or being severely injured in an accident increases exponentially. Also make sure that smaller children are strapped into correctly-fitted child seats.

Only drive sober, and take it easy the night before

Like buckling up, this one should really go without saying, but with stats showing that booze is a factor in 58 percent of road fatalities in this country, we can’t emphasise this enough. With Uber and other drive-you-home services like Road Trip around, there really are no more excuses.

It also pays to go easy on the booze the night before your trip.

Source: Motoring Staff – IOL Motoring

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